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Michael Weinzettl

Publisher & Editor-in-Chief / Lürzer's Archive


Michael has been with the Archive since 1987. Established in 1984, Lürzer's Archive magazine showcases exceptional ad campaigns from print, TV and digital. Since 2004, Lürzer's Archive has been publishing the 200 Best series, featuring a range of different volumes focusing on ad photography, illustration, packaging design and other design disciplines. 

In his current position, Michael is in charge of all content. In 2000, he moved to Berlin but continued to work for Archive in this same capacity, also when the company transferred from Franfkurt/Main to Salzburg, and - later - Vienna, Austria, where the company is now headquartered. He successfully divides his time between Berlin and Vienna. 

Michael writes a weekly blog (Editor's Blog on Fridays) on


BBC - "Perfect Day"

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