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Mark Tutssel

Chief Creative Officer / Leo Burnett Worldwide


Mark Tutssel, one of the most-awarded creative directors in the industry, oversees the work of Leo Burnett Worldwide and its 95+ global offices. He is passionately dedicated to finding and cultivating the very best creative talent and spreading the global company’s commitment to HumanKind communications.

Under Mark’s creative leadership, Leo Burnett continues to be recognized for its new-world thinking, consecutively topping the “All Gunns Blazing” category in the annual Gunn Report for the past three years. In addition, Leo Burnett had more global offices (31) contributing to its creative reputation than any other network.

Prior to becoming Worldwide Chief Creative Officer, Mark was Executive Creative Director of Leo Burnett London. There, the agency was the United Kingdom’s number one creative agency and, in 2001, was the World’s Most Awarded. During that time, two of his clients – McDonald’s and Heinz – were named Advertiser of the Year in the UK.

In addition to personally winning every major creative accolade, including the prestigious Cannes Grand Prix and 45 Cannes Lions, Mark has had the honor of chairing the world’s greatest award shows, including: the Clios, International Andy Awards, D&AD, ADFEST, Eurobest, YoungGuns, Addys, Sharks and Spikes. In 2008, he served as the President of the Cannes Titanium and Integrated Jury and, in 2010, he served as President of both the Film and Press juries at Cannes.

He is member of the Royal Society of Arts and has coauthored a book on Leo Burnett’s “HumanKind” philosophy, published in October 2010. When not on an airplane, Mark can be found at home in Chicago or London, following the game of football (the one you play with your foot) or spending time with family.


Cadbury - "Gorilla"

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