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Jay Benjamin

Chief Creative Officer / Leo Burnett, New York


When you first meet Jay, it’s often hard to tell what side of the agency he is from, because he doesn’t really believe in the notion of sides. “I always loved the old creative process but this business is so much more exciting than that now. Today, everyone that touches a brand is in the creative department, one way or another”.

This attitude has helped Jay become recognized as a new breed of creative thinker, and a valuable partner to some of the world’s biggest brands.

In 2009, Jay was named one of the 40 most influential people under 40 by Adnews magazine. Then in 2010, after becoming the most awarded creative director in Australasia at Cannes, he left the region and headed back home to New York.

More than all of the industry accolades, Jay’s favorite career highlight came in 2007 when over three million people voted one of his Toyota commercials as the World’s Funniest on a New Years countdown. “My Dad finally understood what I do for a living”.


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