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Rory Sutherland

Vice Chairman / Ogilvy Group, UK, London


Born in Usk, Monmouthshire in 1965, Rory read Classics at Christ’s College, Cambridge, before joining Ogilvy as a Graduate Trainee in 1988. After 18 months spent as the world’s worst account handler (as a desperate remedial measure he was once booked onto a time management course, but got the date wrong) Rory became a copywriter in June 1990.

He has worked on Amex, BT, Compaq, Microsoft, IBM, BUPA, easyJet, Unilever, winning a few awards along the way. He was appointed Creative Director of OgilvyOne in 1997 and ECD in 1998. In 2005 he was appointed Vice Chairman on the Ogilvy Group in the UK in recognition of his improved timekeeping.

By an amazing stroke of luck (his brother is an academic) Rory first used the Internet in 1987. Hence he had the advantage in 1994 of knowing what it was and what it might do a few years ahead of many colleagues. Most people would have combined this knowledge of marketing and technology to make a fortune; not Rory. Instead he became the first Briton to have his credit card details stolen online, thereby losing £22.45.

In his spare time, Rory collects self-aggrandising job titles. He was President of the Direct Jury at Cannes in 2007, and was elected President of the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising in 2009 for two years. Rory is also a visiting professor of Warwick University and was recently (2012) awarded an honorary doctorate (D. Litt) by Brunel University, he is also the Technology Correspondent of the Spectator, the world’s oldest English language magazine. You can visit his blog here.

Rory is married with twin daughters of 12 (Hetty and Millie) and lives in the former home of Napoleon III in Brasted in Kent. Unfortunately in the attic. 

"Here's an extra $50, Grace, I'm making real money now" (1919)<br />

"Here's an extra $50, Grace, I'm making real money now" (1919)

"Please remember to turn your mobile phone back on when leaving the restaurant." - Restaurant, St Émilion, France<br />

"Please remember to turn your mobile phone back on when leaving the restaurant." - Restaurant, St Émilion, France

Blackcurrant Tango - "St. George"

Dos Equis - "The Most Interesting Man in the World"

The invention of the phrase "Designated Driver"<br />

The invention of the phrase "Designated Driver"

Avis - "We're #2"

Stella Artois - "Reassuringly Expensive" Print Campaign<br />photo credit:

Stella Artois - "Reassuringly Expensive" Print Campaign

De Beers - "How else can a month's salary last a lifetime?"<br />

De Beers - "How else can a month's salary last a lifetime?"

Dove - "Evolution"

"We are not here to sell a parcel of boilers and vats, but the potentiality of growing rich beyond the dreams of avarice." - Samuel Johnson, auctioning the contents of Thrale's brewery<br />Samuel Johnson, photo credit: Wikipedia

"We are not here to sell a parcel of boilers and vats, but the potentiality of growing rich beyond the dreams of avarice." - Samuel Johnson, auctioning the contents of Thrale's brewery

The Mating Mind<br />photo credit:

The Mating Mind

Geoffrey Miller

Antifragile<br />photo credit: Wikipedia


Nassim Taleb

The Oxford Book of English Verse<br />photo credit: Goodreads

The Oxford Book of English Verse

edited by Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch

The King James Bible and The Book of Common Prayer<br />photo credit:

The King James Bible and The Book of Common Prayer

The Origin of Wealth<br />photo credit: Goodreads

The Origin of Wealth

Eric Beinhocker

Under the Frog<br />photo credit: Wikipedia

Under the Frog

Tibor Fischer

The Iliad<br />photo credit:

The Iliad


Nudge<br />photo credit: Wikipedia



The Small Big<br />photo credit: Goodreads

The Small Big

Martin, Goldstein & Cialdini

The Clicking of Cuthbert<br />photo credit: Wikipedia

The Clicking of Cuthbert

P. G. Wodehouse

The Ladykillers (1955)

The Third Man


Henry V (1944)

Stand By Me


Das Boot

Rear Window


La Règle du jeu

New Mexico, USA<br />photo credit: Wikipedia
New Mexico, USA

New Mexico, USA

Deal, Kent<br />photo credit: Wikipedia
Deal, Kent

Deal, Kent

Any train journey where you have a table to yourself<br />photo credt:
Any train journey where you have a table to yourself

Any train journey where you have a table to yourself

Anywhere you can get a good cup of tea or coffee, wifi and a toilet and where there is a hook on the back of the lavatory door<br />photo credit:
Anywhere you can get a good cup of tea or coffee, wifi and a toilet and where there is a hook on the back of the lavatory door

Anywhere you can get a good cup of tea or coffee, wifi and a toilet and where there is a hook on the back of the lavatory door

Lincoln Cathedral<br />photo credit Wikipedia
Lincoln Cathedral

Lincoln Cathedral

Copenhagen / Stockholm / Helsinki<br />photo credit Wikipedia
Copenhagen / Stockholm / Helsinki

Copenhagen / Stockholm / Helsinki

All Saints' Church, Tudeley, Kent<br />photo credit Wikipedia
All Saints' Church, Tudeley, Kent

All Saints' Church, Tudeley, Kent

Any good Indian, Lebanese or Korean Restaurant<br />photo credit:
Any good Indian, Lebanese or Korean Restaurant

Any good Indian, Lebanese or Korean Restaurant

Any Frank Lloyd Wright building<br />photo credit:
Any Frank Lloyd Wright building

Any Frank Lloyd Wright building

Home<br />photo credit: Wikipedia


Johann Sebastian Bach<br />photo credit Wikipedia Johann Sebastian Bach
Frank Lloyd Wright<br />photo credit: Frank Lloyd Wright
Ronald Reagan<br />photo credit: Wikipedia Ronald Reagan
Samuel Johnson<br />photo credit: Wikipedia Samuel Johnson
P. G. Wodehouse<br />photo credit Wikipedia P. G. Wodehouse
Rachel Whiteread<br />photo credit: Rachel Whiteread
Seth MacFarlane<br />photo credit: Twitter Seth MacFarlane
Jan van Eyck<br />photo credit Wikipedia Jan van Eyck
J. M. W. Turner<br />photo credit: Wikipedia J. M. W. Turner
Hank Williams<br />photo credit: Wikipedia Hank Williams
Wikipedia<br />


Uber<br />


TuneIn Pro<br />

TuneIn Pro

British Airways - "Magic of Flying"

ABTO Brazil - "Bentley Burial"

Westpac NZ - "Impulse Saver"

Dove - "Real Beauty Sketches"

Volkswagen - "Speed Camera Lottery"

Mercedes-Benz - "Lucky Star"

Burger King - "Whopper Sacrifice"